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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: LAB 6 - GRAM STAIN AND CAPSULE STAIN, Differentiates Gram-positive from Gram-negative bacteria. gram reaction Gram-positive bacteria, Let it completely air dry. Do not heat fix. step 4 Stain with crystal violet for one minute., Gram-negative bacteria gram-negative cell wall Appears as a multilayered cell wall consisting of only 2-3 layers of peptidoglycan and is surrounded by an outer membrane composed of phospholipids, lipopolysaccharide, lipoprotein, and proteins., Wash off the excess stain with copper sulfate solution. Do not use water! step 6 Blot dry and observe using oil immersion microscopy (1000X). The organism and the milk dried on the slide will pick up the purple dye while the capsule will remain colorless., Blot dry and observe using oil immersion microscopy. (1000X) gram-negative bacteria appear pink, Using your loop, spread it out over the entire slide to form a thin film. step 3 Let it completely air dry. Do not heat fix., Appears as a broad, dense wall 20-80 nm thick and consisting of numerous interconnecting layers of peptidoglycan interwoven with teichoic acids. gram staining reaction Stains purple with the Gram stain procedure., Gram stain and capsule stain capsule stain capsule stain, Gram stain purpose Differentiates Gram-positive from Gram-negative bacteria., Gram stain procedure Heat-fix a smear of the bacterium to a clean microscope slide., Decolorize by letting the gram's decolorizer wash down the slide until the purple stops flowing. Wash immediately with water. step 5 Stain with safranin for one minute and wash with water., capsule stain functions of capsules Enable bacteria to resist phagocytosis., Gram-positive bacteria gram-positive cell wall Appears as a broad, dense wall 20-80 nm thick and consisting of numerous interconnecting layers of peptidoglycan interwoven with teichoic acids., Stain with crystal violet for one minute. step 5 Wash off the excess stain with copper sulfate solution. Do not use water!, capsule stain procedure Stir up the Skim Milk broth culture with your loop and place 2-3 loops of Enterobacter aerogenes on a clean slide., Stain with safranin for one minute and wash with water. step 6 Blot dry and observe using oil immersion microscopy. (1000X), Stain with Hucker's crystal violet for one minute. Gently wash with water. Shake off the excess water but do not blot dry between steps. step 3 Stain with gram's iodine solution for one minute \and gently wash with water., Differentiates Gram-positive from Gram-negative bacteria. gram reaction Gram-negative bacteria, Stir up the Skim Milk broth culture with your loop and place 2-3 loops of Enterobacter aerogenes on a clean slide. step 2 Using your loop, spread it out over the entire slide to form a thin film., Stains purple with the Gram stain procedure. mechanism In Gram-positive bacteria, causes dehydration of the multilayered peptidoglycan, thus decreasing the space between the molecules and causing the cell wall to trap the crystal violet-iodine complex within the cell.